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What On-Campus Western Herbalism Programs are at SWIHA?

Applies to: All potential and current students looking to enroll in the Western Herbalism Program and/or certificate.

We offer a 745-hour Western Herbalism Diploma, with a career-oriented curriculum, that gives you the opportunity to experience every aspect of plant medicine from seed to sale. You’ll learn how to make herbal medicinal remedies in class while studying the theories supporting the curative formulations.

We also offer a 100-hour Holistic Herbal Remedies Certificate of Excellence. This certificate offers an introductory herbalism training and a well-rounded overview of the essentials of herbalism. You will be introduced to the awe-inspiring world of plants and, most importantly, learn an appreciation for this kingdom and a sense of stewardship for our earth companions.

View our upcoming complimentary Open Houses

*FAQ: Both of these Western Herbalism programs are only offered on-campus.
Financial aid is available to those who qualify.